1.Oshougatsu means New Year’s Day or the first week of January.
2.It’s a very special day because our houses get visited by Toshigami-sama which is a god that brings us good luck for the New Year.
3.We deep clean and decorate our houses in a certain way so we can welcome Toshigami-sama.
4.It’s also family gathering time.
5.Most businesses and schools shut down from January 1st to January 3rd, and everyone goes back home to spend time with their family having special cuisine and doing fun activities.
6.It’s kind of like Christmas in Western Countries.
It’s a very special day because our houses get visited by Toshigami-sama which is a god that brings us good luck for the New Year. 新年に幸運を運んでくる神である「歳神様」が私たちの家を訪れるので、とても特別な日なんです。
It’s also family gathering time. お正月は家族が集まる日でもあります。
family gathering timeは「家族が集まる時間」?
その通り。伝統とはあまり関係がないけど、「家族が集まる日」ということも現代の日本では大事な文化だよね。Family gatheringは家族や親せきの集まりのこと。アメリカではThanks Giving Day やChristmas がfamily gathering の日として有名だよ。
Most businesses and schools shut down from January 1st to January 3rd, and everyone goes back home to spend time with their family having special cuisine and doing fun activities. ほとんどの職場や学校は1月の1日から3日まで休みになって、みんな家に帰って特別な料理を食べたり楽しいアクティビティをしたりしながら、家族と時間をともにします。